Mosquitos in Massachusetts

Mosquitos are small flies that use a tubular mouthpart to pierce a host to feed on blood. A mosquito bite won’t be fatal due to a loss of blood but will leave an itchy rash that can drive you crazy. Mosquitos are also known to carry serious infections as they move from host to host. Mosquitos can transmit dangerous infections such as West Nile Virus, Zika Virus, malaria and many others. Due to the ability to transmit diseases mosquitos are classified as one of the deadliest animals in the world. They should be removed from areas where they have the potential to come into contact with people while on your property.

Mosquito Lifecycle

ma mosquito exterminator

There are 4 stages of a mosquito lifestyle which include the egg, larva, pupa and adult phases. Eggs are typically laid in stagnant water. Female mosquitos have been known to lay eggs attached to aquatic plants in moving water and are able to adapt to their surroundings. The egg, larva and pupa stages are completed in around 5 to 14 days and often take place entirely in water. Adult mosquitos will emerge as the mature pupa floats on the surface of the water.

Adult mosquitos can live anywhere from 1 week to 2 – 3 months. After emerging from the pupa mosquitos will normally mate and begin breeding in a few days. Mosquito populations can multiply very quickly so taking action as soon as you suspect a problem is essential. South Shore IPM understands how quickly a mosquito problem can get out of hand and will do our best to remove the pests quickly. We also use control methods that have been proven to make it difficult for pests to return.

Get Mosquitos Out of Your Backyard

Our expert technicians know that mosquitos can ruin the best backyard barbecues. South Shore IPM’s pest management techniques use our vast knowledge of regional pests and seasonal pest habits to effectively eliminate them from your property. We understand that pest control in the South Shore can be disruptive on any type of property and do our best to treat properties discreetly. Call South Shore IPM to get pest management services that will keep your home or business pest-free.

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