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The bee got its name from the way it drills holes into wood to build its nest. Only female Carpenter Bees are capable of stinging and they usually won’t sting unless provoked.
Carpenter Bees’ nests can significantly damage a home. The bees usually nest in softwood. Once the entrance hole is chewed through a bee will chess a tunnel a couple inches long where a female will lay her eggs. Over time the bees will continue to expand there gallery by chewing through your home, doing costly damage in the process.
Although they can’t sting, male carpenter bees are known to attempt to intimidate people who get to close to the nest. When threatened, the male bees will fly into the air and dive-bomb and whirl around people to scare them away. Female carpenter bees are able to sting but won’t unless provoked so that typically isn’t an issue.
If you discover a Carpenter Bee infestation on your property it is best to call a professional pest control service and get it removed as quickly as possible. Carpenter Bees have been known to cause serious structural damage in many types of buildings if left untreated for too long.
The bees often find unpainted soft woods to make the entrance of their nest. Exposed softwood behind gutters, deck railing and under steps are common places for Carpenter Bees to build their nests and should be checked regularly to avoid an infestation. If caught soon enough, a Carpenter Bee nest can be easily removed without any serious damage being done to your home.
Carpenter Bees are commonly mistaken as bumble bees because of their yellow hairs and hairless upper abdomen section. The insects are a round shape that range in length from ¾ to 1 inch.
Male Carpenter Bees have white marks on their heads and female bees are all black.
Carpenter bee species in New England like softwoods like cedar, pine and fir. They are able to make there nests almost anywhere so it is not uncommon to find them in anywhere from the siding of your home to under a backyard deck. The easiest way to identify a carpenter bee is to locate the entrance to their nest and confirming that bees are leaving and entering regularly. Carpenter Bees can be removed by an experienced pest control professional but need to be located early to avoid more extensive damage to your property.