North American Centipede Control

Centipedes are long flat insects that have been known to have anywhere from 16 to 180 pair of legs. A centipede’s body is segmented and are normally a brown or red-orange color. The insects have tiny mouths but there are also large claws that have venom in them. Centipedes range in size from 1/4 inch to 6 inches. Many centipedes live for more than a year and some have been known to live for up to 6 years.

Centipedes are nocturnal and move very quickly so they can be tough to spot on your property. They use their senses of touch and smell to hunt for prey. They will attack prey with the claw like structure above their mouths and paralyze them with their venom. Centipedes venom is not regularly life-threatening to humans but the bite can be incredibly painful.

Centipede Behavior

south shore centipede control

Centipedes don’t like light so the most common time to see them is at night. They will stay in dark and moist areas during the winter and place eggs in damp soil once the weather warms up. The pests have been know to enter homes and other buildings. Once inside centipedes will stay close to areas where there is some moisture present like bathrooms and basements. Centipedes leave very few signs that they are present so seeing one is the only reliable way to know if you have a centipede infestation. Pest Control Experts at South Shore IPM are happy to help you identify, locate and remove a centipede infestation from your home or office.

Centipedes found in the United States are some of the largest in the species. They are able to inhabit a number of environments from deserts to forests. They can be tough to locate and exterminate because they have the ability to climb up walls and won’t come out in the daylight.

South Shore IPM uses long-term centipede control methods that will eliminate them from your property. Centipedes are known to feed on other insects so making sure there are no readily available food sources for them is a big first step. Handling centipedes can lead to painful bites that cause inflammation and numbness so it is best to avoid disturbing them. Sticky traps can also be used as a way to get an idea for the routes they are traveling and help locate the nest.

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